Tuesday, May 26, 2015

May 20th Snorkel and Beach Cleanup

Common Snook
During the beach and snorkel cleanup last Wednesday, we collected about 27 pounds of trash from a small section of mangroves on the beach. A lot of that weight was contributed by a rusty flywheel. During the snorkel part of the cleanup, we saw many species of marine organisms including common snook, black drums, sheepsheads, spotted sea trout, an atlantic spadefish, pinfish, spot tail pinfish, grey snappers, Florida rock snails, a variegated sea urchin, and lots of small juvenile fish.


Flywheel and A Metal Marking Pipe

Thursday, May 14, 2015

Weird Wednesday: Tennis Racket

This tennis racket was found on Lido beach. It was high up on the beach and obviously did not wash up from the ocean. I am not really sure why some one would leave their tennis racket on the beach or why someone would bring their tennis racket to the beach in the first place. I also often find tennis balls on the beach, but none were found when we found the tennis racket.